Less rush, less risk this long weekend
Less rush, less risk this long weekend
For the holiday period, anyone who drives more than 4kph over the permanent posted speed limit is liable to be ticketed, says Superintendent Carey Griffiths, National Manager of Road Policing. Fixed speed cameras will be active throughout the holiday period, and mobile speed cameras will be deployed to their maximum operating hours.
“If you crash – regardless of the cause – your speed is the difference between serious injury and death, or between walking away and being maimed for life,” says Superintendent Griffiths. “One of the most effective things police can do to save lives is to enforce speed limits, because research clearly shows it encourages people to slow down.”
Police will also run highly visible compulsory breath test and licence checkpoints which target the times and places where people are most likely to drink. “We want people to know we’re there before they go drinking, so they don’t take the risk of driving later on,” says Supt Griffiths. Drivers stopped for any reason can also expect to be breath-tested.
Labour Day Weekend 2013 officially starts at 1600 on Friday 25th October and ends at 0600 on Tuesday 29th October.