Extreme case of cyberbullying [video]
Extreme case of cyberbullying [video]
When a young woman showed Constable Penni Eggleton hundreds of vicious text messages she had received from a volatile ex-boyfriend, Constable Eggleton acted swiftly. She knew the man had a history of violence towards women and that his threats could potentially turn into physical abuse. In this video Constable Eggleton explains her extraordinary work story in the hope it will inspire others to join the family violence team and become a cop themselves. Police are looking to recruit between 240 and 400 constabulary staff between now and June 2014. We're looking to attract applications from a broad base of young New Zealanders, in particular women, Maori, Pasifika, African, Asian and Indian people who want to help their communities. For those who want to take the first step, go to www.newcops.co.nz