Ngā mihi. Our staff in Christchurch faced a dangerous situation last Saturday when they were confronted by a person armed with a firearm. This person was shot by us.
I was relieved to hear that none of our officers were injured in the incident. The subject has since been released from hospital and now faces charges.
It’s another reminder of the risks our people face and why it’s so important that we continue to focus on keeping ourselves, each other, and the public safe.
Intruder assault - Waitematā
I was very impressed by the response of Waitematā District staff after a woman reported that she’d been assaulted by an intruder in her home early on Sunday.
The intruder, who was not known to the woman, ran off before police could arrive and although a dog team managed to track him for a short while, he appears to have fled in a vehicle. Later that day, a fingerprint officer attended the scene and lifted a print that produced a hit. The suspect was arrested soon after.
This is an excellent example of our staff acting quickly and professionally to reassure the community and prevent further harm. Well done to all involved.
Waitangi Day
Last Friday I was in Waitangi, where I was honoured to spend most of the day with the members of the Iwi Chairs Forum. The Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and other members of the Government were also present for what was a very wide-ranging discussion.
This was a great opportunity to talk with Iwi leaders about Police and iwi’s shared aspirations for Māori.
As you know, we’re putting in a huge effort to reduce the over-representation of Māori in the criminal justice system, both as victims and offenders.
On Sunday, I attended the dawn ceremony at the Upper Marae, where I was asked to speak on our core value of commitment to Māori and the Treaty and the work we’re doing with iwi and Māori communities to achieve our mission of being the safest country.
Throughout my time at Waitangi I was able to get a close look at the policing operation underway. It was thoroughly professional and well run, with Northland District staff assisted by members of our Māori, Pacific and Ethnic Services team and officers from other districts and PNHQ. An excellent effort all round.
New Zealander arrested in record cocaine bust
Well done to the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Border Force, who made a record seizure of 1.4 tonnes of cocaine last week. This followed a painstaking three-year operation that included significant input by NZ Police and Customs.
Results such as this show the importance of strong relationships, not just between law enforcement and other agencies in New Zealand, but also internationally. Good on everyone involved.
Until next time, stay safe.
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