Jill Rogers

Jill Rogers

Current rank: 
Current role: 
Counties Manukau District Commander

Jill Rogers is the District Commander for Counties Manukau, New Zealand.

Counties Manukau District has 1,221 staff and is made up of four areas; South, Central, East, West, and includes the Auckland International Airport. Some of these areas are considered the fastest growing in New Zealand. 

Counties Manukau Police District serves a population of approximately 567,700 from Franklin in the south to Otahuhu in the west. The District’s population is made up of 165 different ethnicities and has a large population of Māori, Pacific and Asian. By 2025 the ethnicity mix of our younger population will have a higher proportion of Pacific and Asian.  A large percentage of the Counties Manukau population are living in areas that are classed as the most socio-economically deprived in New Zealand. 

After graduating from Police College in 1993, Superintendent Rogers started her career in the General Duties Branch in Auckland City and has spent the majority of her service in the Auckland region. 

Jill joined the Criminal Investigation Branch in 1996 where she worked for 17 years and undertook significant roles in a range of serious, complex, and protracted criminal investigations.

Jill most recently held the role of Area Commander Auckland Central, a position she held for three years. Prior to her transfer to Auckland City, she worked in Waitematā District as the Area Prevention Manager North Shore.

Jill’s senior roles have included Acting District Commander Auckland City and Acting Detective Superintendent Central Districts. In July 2017, Jill took up the position of District Commander, Counties Manukau District.

As the Counties Manukau District Commander, Superintendent Rogers’ priorities in the short and medium term are a strong focus on family harm, youth and the community.

Jill Rogers