Port Chalmers Police Station


Port Chalmers Police Station

Open hours: 
No set hours
Physical address: 
35 George St
Port Chalmers
Postal address: 
P O Box 16
Port Chalmers 9050

Police stations close by

Portobello Police Station1710 Highcliff Rd105No set hours
Dunedin North Police Station111 North Rd105No set hours – please call first.
Dunedin Central Police Station25 Great King St1057.00am - 9.00pm Mon - Fri, 8.30am - 6.00pm Weekends and public holidays
Southern District Headquarters25 Great King St1057.00am - 9.00pm Mon - Fri, 8.30am - 6.00pm Weekends and public holidays
Kaikorai Valley Community Policing Centre33 Kaikorai Valley Rd105