Request information about yourself (Privacy Act)

The Privacy Act enables you to request information about yourself. You do not have to be a citizen or permanent resident, or be in New Zealand to request it.

If you want to request information about someone else, you should request this under the Official Information Act.

Note: Some personal information should be requested through other groups/agencies:

  • Criminal record

    Requests for your criminal record (or a criminal conviction history) should be done through the Ministry of Justice.

  • Criminal disclosure

    If you are a defendant requesting information about ongoing criminal proceedings, your access to information will be managed within the provisions of the Criminal Disclosure Act 2008 and not the Privacy Act. You or your lawyer should contact the Police Officer in charge of the case for further information.

  • Family violence information

    If you are a potential victim of family violence, or a concerned relative or friend, you can request information relating to the violence history of a new partner. You can find more information at Family Violence Information Disclosure Scheme

  • Deceased person

    Sudden death inquiries are referred to the coroner and governed by the Coroners Act. The Ministry of Justice’s Coronial Services webpage may be able to assist you if you want to request information about a deceased person or about you in relation to a sudden death. If the coroner’s case is currently open, you may be entitled to ask for specified information directly from the coroner (e.g. post-mortem report for immediate family). If the coroner’s case has been closed, you can request information from the coronial file. For other information that may be held by Police about a sudden or suspicious death, please make a request to Police under the Official Information Act or the Privacy Act.

  • Vetting process for visas

    Find information about Police’s vetting service for visas at our Vetting section.

  • Traffic infringement queries

    You can find information about requesting information on traffic infringements at Police Infringement Services.

  • Demerit point queries

    For enquiries about demerit points, contact the New Zealand Transport Agency.

  • Traffic crash report

    To request a traffic crash report, go to our Traffic Crash Report section

  • Reparation reports

    For information about reparation, including receiving or paying reparation, please visit the Ministry of Justice’s website.


If your information request does not belong to any of the above categories, please proceed with making your request for personal information.

Evidence of identity

Before you receive any of your personal information, we must be satisfied that we know who you are so that we don’t risk giving information to the wrong person. You will usually need to provide two forms of evidence of identity (ID) (one must be photographic) for sighting and photographic comparison.

Online, email, or postal request
You must provide two forms of ID (at least one must be photographic). For online and email requests we will accept scanned copies or photographs of your ID, and for postal requests we will accept copies or photographs of your ID. 

For online, email, or postal requests you must also provide an identity referee’s written statement* or a clear photograph of you holding your photographic ID. You will find an Identity Referee's Statement template here (PDF 521KB) if you wish to use it.


* The identity referee's written statement should indicate that he or she has sighted and signed the two forms of ID, compared the photographic image with you, and confirms they appear to be the same person. The identity referee must provide name and contact details.

An identity referee must be over 16, not your partner or spouse or related to you or your extended family, and not live at your address. It is preferable for the identity referee to have known you for at least 12 months or be a person of standing in the community (e.g. registered professional, religious or community leader).

In-person request

If the Police employee you make your request to is satisfied they know who you are, you may not need to provide ID. Bring ID with you anyway, in case it’s required.

Accepted forms of evidence of identity
Accepted forms of photographic ID include a passport, drivers licence, student identification, Hospitality NZ 18+ card, or firearms licence.

Your second form of ID must verify your name, for example a birth certificate, Community Services Card, SuperGold card, a bank/credit card statement, or utility bill (or a second form of photographic ID as above).

Make a request

Before making a request, please check our frequently asked questions.

Your request should be as clear and specific as you can possibly make it. Telling us the reason for your request will help us understand what you want, and limiting the scope will help us process it more quickly.

You can make a request online, by email, or by post. You must include the following documents with your request:

  • Copies of two forms of ID; and
  • An identity referee's written statement or a clear photograph of you holding your photographic ID

You can complete and submit your request online.

Alternatively, you can download the Request for Personal Information form (PDF 213KB) and deliver your completed request by email (if known), by hand, or by post to your nearest Police station or District Headquarters, or Police National Headquarters.

You can also make your request in person. We will either confirm it in writing ourselves or, if we are not sure what you’re seeking, we may ask you to put it in writing.