Hate-motivated Crimes Official Information proactive public releases (April 2024)

Hate-motivated Crimes Official Information proactive public releases (April 2024)

Date Published: 
April 2024

In keeping with the Open Government Partnership National Action Plan 2016-2018, Police is releasing its responses to some recent Official Information Act requests, where it is considered they contain data and information that has wider public interest.

For more information, go to Hate-motivated crime web page.

Official Information Act (OIA) Responses 2024


Date of request

Information requested

IR-01-24-7404 (PDF, 310KB)

1 Mar 2024

Reports of hate crimes against Police officers nationwide since 2019 and a breakdown of:

  • Type of offence
  • Number per region

IR-01-24-6869 (PDF, 1.92MB)

27 Feb 2024

Number of reported hate-motivated crimes, broken down month by month, and by region, from 2022-2024, against the following protected characteristics:

  • gender identity
  • sexual orientation
IR-01-24-6365 (PDF, 1.07MB) 22 Feb 2024

A breakdown of reported hate-motivated crimes between January 2023 – February 2024, by type of offence reported.

IR-01-24-6367 (PDF, 280KB) 22 Feb 2024

From the information published in an RNZ report, provide a breakdown of:

  • any charges laid
  • outcomes of the cases where a charge was laid