Firearms Official Information Act proactive public releases (June 2024)

Firearms Official Information Act proactive public releases (June 2024)

Date Published: 
June 2024

In keeping with the Open Government Partnership National Action Plan 2016-2018, and as Administrator of the Arms Act 1983, Police is releasing its responses to some recent Official Information Act requests, where it is considered they contain data and information that has wider public interest.

For more information, go to Firearms and safety.


Date of request

Information requested

IR-01-24-7680 (PDF 671 KB) 24 March 2023

How many formerly registered E-category firearms were moved from E-category to either P or C category registers?

How many formerly registered E-category firearms were purchased by the Government during the buybacks?

How many formerly registered E-category firearms were moved to A-category? Please break down into amount of shotguns, and rimfire rifles if possible.

How many formerly registered E-category firearms were unaccounted for after the buyback period concluded? Could you please provide a breakdown of the number of shotguns, rimfire rifles, and centerfire rifles that are unaccounted for.

To the day this OIA is lodged, of the firearms that were unaccounted for in question 4, how many are still unaccounted for. If possible, breakdown into shotgun, rimfire, and centerfire firearms.