Executive summary of Assurance report on women in senior management roles
This report summarises the findings of an internal Police assurance review, which examines Police's approach to ensuring equal opportunity for gaining promotion, focussing particularly on women’s promotion to senior management and gateway roles. The assurance review’s overall objective was to identify what is working well, and opportunities for improving the rate of change in representation of women in senior roles.
The key fieldwork activities upon which the summary is based took place between June and October 2012. It involved a desktop review of key documents, analysis of employment data, and benchmarking discussions with comparator agencies. It also draws on interviews in five Police Districts and one non-District location; in-depth interviews with women constabulary and general Police employees; and a wider survey of more than 2100 Police staff.
Police’s response to the September 2013 findings of the assurance review are provided as an update to the report, as at July 2014.