Enabling the Royal New Zealand Police College for the Future
The Enabling the Royal New Zealand Police College for the Future report was commissioned following changes to Police’s Executive structure and a refresh of Police's strategic direction in 2020-2021. This work was carried out independently by Debbie Francis and the Report is the outcome of discussions with staff and stakeholders across Police about training and professional development needs starting with recruits through to training for staff throughout their career in Police. This Report considers how the RNZPC is placed to apply to the work it does with recruits systematically for the professional development of all staff throughout their career in Police.
The aim for RNZPC is to provide a centralised approach to training and professional development and for the college to become Police’s ‘beating heart’, or cultural home. The Report clarifies the role, purpose and functions of the RNZPC over the next three to five years, and has made 19 recommendations for the short, medium and longer term.