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Kia Kaha: Information for principals and Boards of Trustees

Everyone has a vested interest in children and young people developing positive and respectful behaviours that promote safety for themselves and others.

Kia Kaha consists of a comprehensive range of anti-bullying resources to help children and young people learn and apply a range of safe practices that they can use when interacting with others.

Police strongly recommend that any bullying prevention approaches in schools (including Kia Kaha) are implemented in accordance with the advice provided by the cross-sector Bullying Prevention Advisory Group on the Bullying-Free NZ website.

Principals and Boards of Trustees are strongly encouraged to support Kia Kaha by establishing and regularly reviewing a child protection policy with explicit prevention and response procedures. 

Learning activities in Kia Kaha should operate within a whole-school approach, for example the model described in the roadmap on the Bullying-Free NZ website:

Gathering data, especially from students, is important to determine the level and type of bullying that occurs, whether existing efforts are working, and get a full picture of what’s going on, rather than rely on how things appear on the surface. Data can be used to suggest particular areas of focus to prevent harm, and to provide a baseline for monitoring outcomes over time. Police recommend the Wellbeing@School student surveys as a useful tool to gather and analyse school data about bullying (the Ministry of Education has announced this tool will be free of charge until the end of 2018).
Police support principals and Boards of Trustees to implement Kia Kaha with a range of resources, including:
  • an implementation booklet (PDF, 1.4MB)
  • a comprehensive range of curriculum-linked, age-appropriate and evaluated learning activities available in the Resources section of  the Schools Education portal
  • School Community Officers (formerly called Police Education Officers) to support a parent evening, staff workshops, the occasional classroom lesson, and describe the programme to the Board
  • the pamphlet Kia Kaha: Your community must stand strong against bullying (PDF, 789KB) which describes the Kia Kaha programme
  • additional audio-visual teaching resources that are available from the School Community Officers.